Are you Onboard to help young children thrive?
Partner with Liftoff WNY to advocate for early childhood development.
Your support helps kids and uplifts an organization dedicated to expanding access to resources for Western New York families with young children.

What is Onboard?
Onboard is a volunteer network that supports the critical work of Liftoff WNY. The program brings together professionals from all industries to advocate for early childhood development and cultivate meaningful change.
As an Onboard advocate, you can leverage your expertise and network to help remove barriers to equitable access. Enhance the well-being of all children in Western New York just by being you!
Your influence is priceless.
This opportunity is more than a feel-good project to add your name to (though, it surely will make you feel good!). It’s an active investment in the future of kids right here in our community.

There are many ways to contribute.
The benefits of joining Onboard are vast. Your participation is flexible, and can be as active as your schedule allows. Here are a few examples of how you can get involved.

Your voice is appreciated.
Nearly 100,000 children under the age of five call Western New York home. Imagine the impact you can make on the future by advocating for them.
About Liftoff WNY
Established in 2017, Liftoff WNY is dedicated to closing the gaps in early childhood development. Our focus areas include universal development screening, high-quality childcare, and solutions for transportation and accessibility.
Working together with partners across Western New York, we strive to be thought leaders and catalysts for meaningful action so that the system changes achieved today will reverberate throughout our communities for generations to come.

How to get Onboard
Fill out the application. Someone from Liftoff WNY will be in touch with you within 48 hours.
Invite your network
Click here for a customizable template to invite others who want to help support early childhood development.